My Ramblings

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Surge 2012

I had the benefit of attending Surge again this year but I have to say that I don't think it met my expectations.  The conference opened up with a keynote from a Forrester research analyst that doesn't like the concept of devops.  Call me crazy but this is probably not someone you want opening a conference with an audience filled with ops and developers.  This point aside the message was less than insightful or even relavant to those topics we are craving at a conference like Surge.  Compared to the previous keynotes (Cantrill/Allspaw and Ben Fried) this was a definite bust.  All-in-all most of the sessions that I attended were interesting but I don't think there were any real takeaways as there were in previous years.  I am definitely questioning whether or not I will be attending next year's conference.

Here are the talks that I attended.

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